I saw this totally garbageful story on Yahoo earlier under the title "Malaysia 'Obedient Wives' Club: Good Sex Is A Duty". The piece can be summed up, more or less, by these quotes:
"Islam compels us to be obedient to our husband. Whatever he says, I must follow. It is a sin if I don't obey and make him happy," said [new bride, 22-year-old Ummu Atirah] who wore a yellow headscarf.
"Sex is a taboo in Asian society. We have ignored it in our marriages but it's all down to sex. A good wife is a good sex worker to her husband. What is wrong with being a whore ... to your husband?"
Yikes! Right? Lots to unpack there, I know. But that isn't why I am posting. No. When I saw the story I just had to tweet it to my legion of dedicated fans.
So I clicked on Yahoo's little sharing button. And this popped up as the twitter summary:
Obedient Wives Club in Malaysia promotes good sex - Yahoo! News http://yhoo.it/mct2v4
Ummmm.... No. Just no.
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