Rep. Chris Smith (R-Isible), author of HR3, pleading his case during the House debate, said that he imagines future generations "will note with deep sadness, some of our politicians, while they talked about human rights, never lifted a finger to protect the most persecuted minority in the world: the child in the womb."

Leaving aside that children don't exist in wombs, and the fact that each cis woman or trans man who has an abortion would need to terminate at least three pregnancies before Smith's claim would even begin to make sense in terms of numbers alone (i.e. more "persecuted" fetuses than people whose rights he's attempting to erode), I can do nothing but howl with bitter laughter at the idea that fetuses are "the most persecuted minority in the world."

How much time has the GOP spent trying to chip away at Roe just in the last year? Fetuses aren't wanting for advocates.

I can, however, think of a lot of genuinely persecuted marginalized populations of actual human beings in this nation who could use one-tenth the attention the GOP gives to fucking abortion, though.


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