Daily Dose of Cute

Tilsy is telling stories again—but looks very cute with her new lion cut. [Please note: This video contains images of Tilsy's fangs when she yawns.]

Video Description: Tilsy sits on the couch with her newly trimmed shag, looking like she's wearing fuzzy Uggs. She stares at the camera glaikishly. "What are you doing?" I whisper. I zoom in. She stares at the camera glaikishly. She yawns. I zoom out. She stares at the camera glaikishly. "Mwah!" she says. "Really?" I respond. "Mah!" she says. "Are you sure about that?" I ask. She looks away, then back. She stares at the camera glaikishly. "I don't know if that's true," I say. "Sounds to me like another one of your made-up stories, ma'am." She lies down and stares at the camera glaikishly. Then she attacks the camera. Fin.

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