Today in Rape Culture

[Trigger warning for "rape jokes" and police misconduct.]

In Ireland, gardaí (police officers) who had two female protesters in their custody were caught on video "joking" about raping the women:
One garda can be heard on the tape saying that one of the women "sounds like a Yank or Canadian". Another garda said: "Well, whoever, we'll get immigration f***ing on her."

A more senior garda picked up the conversation, saying "she refused to give her name and address and [was] told she would be arrested".

"And deported," his colleague continued. "And raped," the more senior garda said.

The conversation continued in jocular fashion, with the more senior garda saying: "Give me your name and address or I'll rape you."

Amid some laughter, another garda said: "Hold it there, give me your name and address there, I'll rape you."

"Or I'll definitely rape you," the more senior garda responded.
Dr Bríd Connolly, lecturer at NUI Maynooth, a college at which one of the women was a student, wondered: "How can women who have been assaulted have any confidence in the Garda if this is the sort of attitude that prevails?" Good question.

That, of course, is one of the most pervasive challenges of dismantling the rape culture: As long as the rape culture permeates the institutions ostensibly tasked with securing justice for survivors, justice will be elusive. Victims will be discouraged from reporting crimes against them; rapists will continue to create more victims. And on and on it goes.

Naturally, the officers are being well defended by rape apologists desperate to point out they were ONLY JOKING.

As if that even matters. Oh, you mean the police were only JOKING about raping women in their custody? Well, that's all right then!

And, you know, even if they were, those who are objecting are right to do so, even aside from the legitimate criticism that the police "joking" about raping women in custody undermines public trust and breaks faith with survivors, because rape jokes abet rapists and because there is no neutral in the rape culture.

[H/Ts to Shakers Insomniax and Sarah.]

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