This Is A Real Thing In The World

Scarface Limited Edition Blu-Ray with Humidor. MSRP: $999.99.

Now, it's beyond me why anyone would spend 1000 USD, or the comparable in Bieberdollars (or even in CUP), on a DVD of one of the world's most terrible movies. Yeah, there are some extras including a documentary (yawn) "on the film's effect on culture," and a copy of the original 1932 version. There's a scorecard "allowing you to keep track of the number of F-words said and bullets fired" because I guess in the long history of the internet no one has ever bothered to count those before and you couldn't google that or anything. Speaking of the internet: link.

There's a humidor too, which is nice, I guess, though I am not sure how any of this adds up to $1000.

The film, despite being awful in just about every way, is exceedingly popular. I'm not sure how it became such a cultural milestone. It is so ridiculous and over the top, every moment of it, from Pacino's terrible accent to Giorgio Moroder's sitar-heavy score to whomever's direction (De Palma maybe?) All of which rests on a pile of garbage known as the script.

How does anyone watch Pacino spit out lines like "All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don't break them for no one" and not burst out laughing? Because that's my reaction. The only redeeming quality this film has is that it is just fucking hilarious. Sadly though, it was meant to be deadly serious.

So, yeah, I won't be picking up this one. But hey, don't let that stop you!


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