SnOMG, Part 4

More scenes from the Snowpocalypse. At this point, I'm pretty much just posting these so Shakers who live in warm climes can either/and: A) Marvel at the weather; B) Point and laugh.

Ugh! More snow. Look at this—our garbage bags are sitting on a pile of snow. Ugh. And now we're getting more. [edit] Look at the size of these flakes! It's like the sky is having a snowball fight with the earth. [edit] Sisyphean snow, this. It's just never-ending. Lookit, just since this morning, our step is completely buried again. [edit] Ugh! It's even worse now. And we're back to, like, white-out conditions. [laughs] And basically, in the last hour, we've had probably about three inches of snow. Uh, this is the worst, really. [edit] I know, Dudley. It's the worst, isn't it?!

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