This is the theme to Liss & Deeky's Show. How do you like the theme to Liss & Deeky's Show?

(I assure the Shakers under the age of about 35 that headline was both funny and trenchant as hell 25 years ago.)

So. Deeky and I have launched a radio show! Or podcast. Or whatever. It's the two of us talking about stuff—politics, pop culture, personal things. But what we really wanted to create, and I think we've achieved, is a show that feels like hanging out, like you've just pulled a chair up to our table in the middle of a rollicking conversation.

And it doesn't have a name yet, which is our first contest. Help us name the show and win a prize!

(Where and how to submit suggestions is detailed in the show. Please do not leave suggestions in comments.)

In the first half-hour episode, purchasable here, for a mere $.99, we talk about reality television, including my crush on Ricky from Billy the Exterminator, discuss the current Republican frontrunners for the 2012 election, and discover that Deeky was born one day too late, among other things.

We're just getting our feet wet, but we hope and expect the show's format will grow to include interviews, music, and regular features.

Because of the length of the show, and the time it takes to put it together in the first place, we don't have the ability to provide a transcript, but if the show is successful, we'll be able to pay for a transcription in future. (Volunteers are also welcome!)

This is the link to Liss & Deeky's Show!

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