Obama Press Conference Open Thread

The president held a press conference this afternoon to discuss the relationship between his hat and his hands. I give Obama a zero for stealing off of other people's papers.

There were so many highlights things that happened that it's hard to focus linger, glassy-eyed at one of them. That said, I'm really fond of the part where Obama said the economy wasn't going well in part because the mean old Democrats professional left somebody or other had made businesses feel like the "bad guys." He used BP as an example.

NPR followed coverage of the press conference with a story about the Department of Labor's efforts to shut down a coal mine in Kentucky because the dudes who run Massey Energy are, in fact, bad guys. The web version of the story includes a photo of what I presume is President Obama contemplating the deaths of 29 workers at Massey's Upper Big Branch mine. Oops your timing position sucks.

So Obama and other Democrats have responded to their worst drubbing since Benjamin Grumbles was vigorously matriculating at Emmett Q. Crumblecorn's Preparatory School for Fancy Lads. But what do you think?

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