Daily Dose o' Cute

It's a wonder Dudley was retired from racing before he was even two years old. Just LOOK AT HIM go after that fuzzy white thing!

In all seriousness, it's not that Dudley doesn't have any targeting instincts; he does. (Just ask his dogpark BFF Sheba.) It's just that he's awesome with his kitteh sisters. Earlier this afternoon, everyone got a little bit of roasted turkey, and even though Matilda and Sophie are the slowest eaters on the planet, Dudz will stand aside and let them finish what's been given to them.

Olivia has started occasionally playing with his tail while he's dozing, and Matilda, for reasons unknown, loves to sniff at his paws, whether he's awake or asleep. Ever indulgent and polite, he doesn't seem to mind at all, and frequently sniffs her back in a friendly exchange that seems to say, "I will try to speak your language."

The other day, Dudz and Sophs were drinking out of his water bowl at the same time, and I thought I might explode from the cuteness. Later, she curled up in his bed (!) and fell asleep, and when he noticed her in there, he did the most hilarious double-take I've ever seen, looked at Iain and me with the best WTF look of all time, and then backed away slowly, with a body language that suggested he might have been contemplating the canine equivalent of the Twilight Zone.

Interspecies cuddling is, I believe, inevitable. But perhaps not quite imminent.

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