This is so the worst thing you're going to read all day.

Because it's almost really good. And then you get to this part [trigger warning for fat hatred and body/food policing]:
Kiki McLean pointedly tells me that one of the things that she most admires about [Senator Kirsten Gillibrand] is "the way she balances being a senator with her husband and her little boys." As much as I hate to make too much of it, I said, I can't help being impressed by somebody who lost 40 pounds while doing this job. "OK," says McLean, "this is a killer because I have fought weight my entire life, and she is completely disciplined about this. She was at my home for dinner recently, and she focused on the salad and the fruit. We can laugh about it and I can be jealous of her, but I think it's a tremendous demonstration of discipline and the fact that she knows she has to be in the best health, so that she can be the best mom and the best senator."

And no doubt remain attractive to her husband of nine years, who is two years younger than she is.

Considering all the references to how very much like Hillary Clinton, the senator whose vacated seat Gillibrand now fills, Gillibrand is—starting with the headline "In Hillary's Footsteps"—I'm really amazed that Jonathan Van Meter left me hanging about whether Gillibrand is similarly "cursed with cankles." Come on, Vogue—this is important stuff!

[Via Irin.]

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