Texting! With Liss and Deeky!

[Last night...]

Liss: Why the hell are there so many shows about fucking cakes?

Deeky: LOL! You know what they actually need a show about? Fucking cakes.

Liss: LOL. Showtime presents: "Cakefuckers."

Deeky: Totes! "Frosters."

Liss: F/X presents: "XXXtreme Cupcakez." Airs in the same timeslot as Spike TV for Men presents: "Cake and Tits."

Deeky: LOL! And on Logo: "Pink Donuts."

Liss: The History Channel presents: "Nazi Cakes."

Deeky: LOL for real @ "Nazi Cakes." Although it's more like "Nostradamus Cakes" on the History Channel nowadays.

Liss: Or "Jesus Pie."

Deeky: "UFO Cookies."

Liss: "Ghost Tarts."

Deeky: "Atlantis: The Lost Bakery."

Liss: VH1 presents: "Hey, Remember Fruit Roll-Ups?!"

Deeky: LOL! By the way, we need to produce "Cake and Tits." We'd be rich.

Liss: Totes, lolsob.

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