Fill My Lost Hole, TeeVee!

So, last night, in a desperate attempt to fill the gaping hole in our lives where Lost used to be, Iain and I watched the premieres of The Event and Hawaii Five-0.

The Event has been promoted as a sort of Lostian sci-fi mystery thing, five seasons of which have already been written in their entirety, which every person associated with the show has been sure to mention, followed by some version of, "So there's none of that making-it-up-as-we're-going-along" business.

I'm not sure that throwing side-eyes at the creators of one of the most best-loved television shows ever, whose success made your show possible, and whose highly loyal audience you're hoping to steal, is the best marketing strategy, but okay. It wasn't enough to deter me from tuning in.

And it does share a lot in common with Lost: Mysteries! An airplane! Tropical locations! Disappearing things!

Things it does not share with Lost include: Josh Holloway and being as good.

Still! It was pretty good. And it's got Laura Innes in it, who I really like, and is playing a character who's the leader of some ragtag group of detainees and was originally written as a male character, so has the distinct chance of being three-dimensional. (Read more in my upcoming book, Dispatches from Cuntistan.) And hello, Blair Underwood. Say, it's kinda cool to see a black president and not think, "HA HA MAYBE SOMEDAY!"

Jason Ritter (who is genuinely charming and quite funny) and Sarah Roemer (who I really liked in Disturbia) were also very good. And the story was interesting enough, despite some potential Women in Refrigerators problems, that I'll tune in again next week.

As for Hawaii Five-0, well, it sure had Daniel Dae Kim in it!

I'm being a little harsh. Scott Caan was also enjoyable. Whoever is playing the main dude is aggressively annoying, though. I give it points for being essentially a popcorn cop show that nonetheless made human trafficking a centerpiece of its premiere episode, and allowed the female member of the team to kick some serious ass. And the long-delayed "Book 'em, Danno!" was very satisfying. Negative points for stuff previously discussed here.

Did you watch either of them? What did you think?

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