I Remember When This Might Have Been Called a Gaffe

But that was before the Obama administration spent two years demeaning progressives and embracing many of the policies of the Bush administration.
Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday night said that former President George W. Bush deserves "a lot of credit" for his handling of the initial Iraq war drawdown. [Note from Liss: Biden references Bush's commitment to the drawdown but actually only says Bush deserves credit for caring about the troops.*]

Speaking to Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert, who conducted a rare serious interview with the vice president, Biden was asked what he would say to Bush as the United States meets a preliminary deadline set by President Obama in 2009 for the withdrawal of combat troops this week.

"Mr. President, thank you," said Biden, addressing a hypothetical Bush. "I've known you for all eight years of your presidency, and I've never known a time when you didn't care."

Asked whether Bush deserves credit for the end of combat operations, Biden said earnestly, "You deserve a lot of credit."
You know, it's revolting enough watching the Republicans trying to rehabilitate Bush; I really don't want to see that shit emanating from a Democratic White House. Fuck.

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