About this here lesbian revolution

As I mentioned yesterday, folks in the media have been doing cartwheels over each other in an attempt to say pleasant but non-committal things about that sperm donor movie.

Earlier this week, my sweetie was reading off the movie listings and it didn't really come up. Yesterday I was at the doctor's office reading the paper, and it wasn't one of the dozens of movies reviewed.

This morning, NPR was talking about movies, it got me to thinking...

Apparently the nearest place to see the sperm donor movie is a 4 hour drive from my house. I suppose I can catch it at the art house (er, Landmark) if I go to visit my parents in Minneapolis. So there's that.

So basically, urbanites who spend their afternoons eating sushi* and buying zomg shoes for the next Obama fundraiser are willing to tolerate a movie with two straight women playing lesbians who have kids, act straight, and show no interest in sex except for maybe with that one guy. Yeah, I give it a week before the entire U.S. goes gay.

*I'm an urbanite and I love sushi, independent film, and shoes. I'm just pointing out that it's a bit odd to portray a (shitty) representation of a lesbian couple in a limited distribution "indy" film as a giant leap forward when it comes to cultural representations of queer people.

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