Robots Have Let Me Down

[Trigger warning for strobe light effects in a graphic below the fold.]

Everyone one knows I love robots:

Get me an electric necktie, stat!

Last week I was thrilled to read that our anodized friends were teleporting in to the Los Golfo de México to save our proverbial bacon. Is there nothing robots can't do, I asked after reading the headline "Robots position giant box over oil-spewing well."

But it turns out robots aren't all they're cracked up to be.

Nope. The bots dropped the proverbial ball in the murky, leviathan depths. The malfunctioning oil well still spews sticky, black death and the robots have packed their bags gone home. (Where exactly do robots go home to, that's what I wanna know!) Environmental catastrophe: One. Robots: Zero.

Maybe that was a fluke, right? No. No, it isn't. Another new headline: "The day the machines took over Wall Street". WTF? Robots make shitty daytraders, I guess. Last Thursday's plunge (also into murky and leviathan depths) "is being blamed on computerized trading mechanisms." Stockmarket: Zero. Robots: Zero. Deeky's portfolio: -5351.

Thanks, robots! What's next?

Oh, yeah, that.

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