Daily Dose o' Cute

This weekend, we discovered Dudley's favorite sleeping position:

And Matilda-Dudz relations finally began to thaw:

And we went to the dog park, where Dudz has evidently decided his role is maître d', as he politely trots to the front gate to greet every new dog and two-legs who comes to the park. He was also super frisky yesterday, and loved galloping in mad circles around the picnic table.

That's not him barking; we still haven't heard a peep out of him yet!

He also made friends with a little Jack Russell puppy who was like his own personal mini-me:

Watching them run around together was ridiculously cute. Iain and I decided at one point to go for a stroll around the park, leaving Dudz to play, but he came bounding after us and walked so nicely in between us all the way up the hill and around the park. He'd wander off to investigate periodically, and then come back to our sides, as if he'd always belonged there.

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