Today in Fail.

Courtesy of Webmd.

First the image that caught my attention:

I'll give you a clue as to how excellent the article is:

"Indeed, if we always ate only when we were really hungry and stopped when we were full, there would be no obesity epidemic."

My reaction, essentially, as I emailed to Liss: ORLYWTFSTFU. Way to go Webmd for essentially calling that model fat and thus reinforcing some utterly unrealistic bullshit beauty standard. Wooo. Not to mention all your "eat smaller portions on smaller plates and don't go the buffet! because that's why you're fat, buffet-eater" awesomeness. Awesomeness of Crapitude.

Also in our email conversation about it, Liss made a good point that "...she's essentially a headless fatty; way to go HEALTH SITE for dehumanizing fat people. Christ.".

Diagnosis: FAIL.

[Commenting Guidelines] Please reserve the critique to Webmd and not examining/picking apart the model herself.

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