This is a real thing in the world.

"Behind the Bell" (Hardcover) by Dustin Diamond
AKA Screech
Description from the publisher:
Hollywood might represent another side of the American Dream, but to many it often embodies a true nightmare, especially for young actors. Dustin Diamond is best known for his character Samuel Screech Powers in the late '80s and '90s on the long-running American TV teen sitcom Saved by the Bell (SBTB). Diamond's new book gives readers the disheartening story of an ex-child star. Dustin faced serious challenges moving his career beyond his comic role as the smart, funny, and endearing nerd of Bayside High School on the show that made him an audience favourite. Through his eyes, we uncover Hollywood's myths and see what happens when the lights go out and career expectations are shattered. Dustin also reveals how working as a child actor on SBTB created emotional turmoil that hurt his life at home and his future. For the first-time, Diamond presents the inside story of the young cast from Saved by the Bell that the viewing public thought were so lucky...
In hardcover.

Description from yours truly: Twenty-five bucks you could have spent on socks.

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