Two From the NY Times

The first one, here, is a tale of a woman, a classical pianist, who found it initially very difficult to keep her career after she transitioned. It starts off really down, but it's actually got kind of a nice upbeat ending. Some pronoun awkwardness, and a little too much, for my taste, of the "when she was he" construct, but something not completely unpositive.

Of course, doesn't it suck that the state of our portrayals in mass media - fiction and non-fiction - are generally so craptacular that even a somewhat-upbeat "not completely unpositive" article seems like A Good Thing?

The second is just infuriating: A young US soldier is under investigation and confined to post after missing her deployment flight when she couldn't find care for her 10-month-old; she's told "put it in foster care".

With the shenanigans around lowering recruiting standards and all sorts of other not strictly kosher activities going on as the US Army continues to try and fill out the numbers for its overstretched foreign wars, this shouldn't really be all that surprising, but it is.

Tip of the CaitieCap to my good friend mzrowan. :)

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