Action Item

Well. Whaddaya know. It turns out that being a woman is a preexisting condition:
Around the country, women are paying 30 to 40 percent more for private health insurance than men. These are not isolated incidents but policies put in place by the insurance companies to maximize profits. Through the process known as "gender rating," which is illegal in just 10 states, insurers can actually charge women higher premiums just because they happen to have an extra X chromosome.

On top of pricing disparities, insurance companies have found other ways to make money at the expense of American women. For example, many insurers refuse to cover "elective" giving birth! Others consider domestic violence victims to have a "pre-existing condition" and deny them coverage. The list goes one, but the trend is crystal clear.

When it comes to health care, women in America deserve to be protected from these outrageous policies.
Sign the petition to Congress and urge them to pass a health insurance reform bill that forbids insurance companies from discriminating against women.

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