Losing One of the Family

I'm sad to have to pass on the news that Andante, the keeper of the blog Collective Sigh, passed away on Tuesday, June 16, 2009.

Although I never met her in person, Andante was a bright spot in my blogging life. She was one of the first to link to my site back in 2003 and she was a charter member of the Liberal Coalition. She had a wit and charm that made me laugh out loud, and even when she was facing her illness, she did it with the type of humor and courage that showed a resolve of steel and a heart of gold. She described herself as "a white, middle-aged, Southern Belle Don't-Wannabe. Watch me and my hooped-skirt give new meaning to the act of 'mooning'."

And if she brightened the lives of so many people who never met her, I can only imagine the love and wonder she gave those who knew her in person and in their lives. My thoughts are with her family. If you like, please stop by her site and pass on your thoughts and wishes to her daughter Mary (Andantette) and her family.

Go in peace, Andante.

(The photo is from the sidebar of her blog with the following caption: "Never mess with a woman brave enough to put up her third grade picture.")


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