Random YouTubery: Nathan Lane's John Wayne Walk in The Birdcage

Yesterday I embarked on some weekend sewing by laying out and cutting an 8-gore knit skirt for myself and a t-shirt for my niece (pictures below the fold). Cutting is not my favorite thing. It did not take long for me to begin wondering why the hell 8 gores sounded like a good idea. Fortunately, I discovered that The Birdcage was running on some movie channel or other. Having a favorite movie in the background helps to ease the pain of tedious tasks.

The Birdcage is one of those movies that never loses its punch no matter how many times I see it (along with Tootsie, Some Like It Hot, Educating Rita, The Apartment, Harold and Maude, and some others).

Everyone is wonderful in The Birdcage, but Nathan Lane gets an amazing number of opportunities to reveal his genius. If you don't think it is possible for a man in pink lounging pajamas, a long beaded necklace, high-heeled mules, and a floppy straw sun hat to channel John Wayne, just watch this:

(The John Wayne Walk starts around 4:20)

Nathan Lane and Robin Williams in The Birdcage (1996), directed by Mike Nichols. Screenplay by Elaine May, based on Jean Poiret's play "La Cage Aux Folles". The film also credits the screenwriters of earlier film versions.

It kills me every time when, after the Walk, the men have this exchange:
Lane: No good?

Willimas: Actually, it's perfect. I just never realized John Wayne walked like that.

This is the only clip I could find. The image is not great and the voices sound slightly speeded up, but it's still worth watching.

And now, a day later, my completed garments lie on my ironing board, awaiting their hems:

Jalie 2805 T-shirt with cap sleeves and jewel neckline; Jalie 2681 skirt, view B. The fabric is a turquoise cotton/lycra jersey from Fashion Fabrics Club

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