Shaker Gourmet: Five-Layer Easy Burritos

Our recipe this week comes from Shaker LoquaciousLaura!
Five-Layer Easy Burritos

Four small burrito tortillas (I prefer whole wheat)
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 can Rotel original
1 can white corn, drained
1 pat butter/margarine
2 tbsp sour cream (light sour cream is fine)
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground savory
Salt and pepper
1 fresh, ripe avocado, halved and sliced
4 Morningstar Farms breakfast patties
Approx 1/2 cup shredded white cheese (monterey jack, pepperjack, mozzarella, whatever)

In one small pot, combine the black beans and Rotel (or a few tablespoons of salsa), put on medium heat (you'll need to keep stirring throughout). In another small pot, add the strained white corn, butter or margarine, and sour cream, heat and stir. Once the corn, butter and sour cream combine, add cumin, savory, and a good amount of salt and cracked black pepper. Keep stirring the black beans also! This is a good time to heat your breakfast patties up in the microwave, or fry in a pan -- you can also substitute a torn-up black bean patty, or actual meat, if you like -- either way, heat up your selected meat or meat subsitute. Keep stirring the beans and corn in their pans, working to achieve a smooth consistency, cooking off any excess moisture. I also like to heat up my tortillas, so at this point I turn the oven to 350 degrees and leave them in there for a couple minutes. By now, all things that need to be heated should be, so divide your tortillas over two plates, and layer on the beans, corn, cheese, torn-up breakfast patties (or whatever meat/substitute you chose), and the sliced avocado.

Makes four small burritos, or enough for two people (just multiply if you need more)
She recommends checking out local, often dubbed "ethnic", markets for fresh produce, as it's often cheaper. I've found this true at the Indian grocery up the street where I can get fresh ginger the size of my forearm for 99 cents. Not exaggerating on the price (but it's damn near gigantic and much cheaper as compared to a large chain grocery store).

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