Monthly Tip-Jar Reminder -- All Hail the QCoFM!

[Update: This post will be bumped to the top for much of the day -- New posts below!]

Howdy Shakers! It's that time of the month again -- time to dig under those sofa cushions, rummage through that purse, and raid the old wallet to give our Blog-Mistress some appreciation (of the type that she can take to the bank, if you know what I mean).

If you've already sent a little bit of fiscal love Melissa's way this month, then I send one thousand and one titty-wrap hugs in your direction. If you can't, give yourself a break, and if you can, but you've forgotten or procrastinated it, take a moment to scoot down to the orange "Make a Donation" button in the right sidebar (right under the "Advertise Liberally" logo).

In any case, be sure to watch my monthly Portly-Plays-Busker treat -- another vintage video from my career in the 90s as a lesbian standup. (One blurry image in the vid may be NSFW. Come on, now you REALLY want to see it!)

(Close-captioning is available for the vid -- but you may have to view it at youtube to see that option.)

I wrote the sketch below in collaboration with the inimitable Howie Baggadonutz of Portland, Oregon. Old-timers PDX queers may recognize a few of the well-known homophobes (and possible closet-cases) of the Oregon State political scene circa 1994. Enjoy!

And hey! Subscribe to my youtube channel!

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