If It's Tuesday, It's Boehlert!

Our favorite media critic takes on the media's coverage of epic gun violence:
Even more telling was the way the press avoided addressing the issue of gun control in connection with the Alabama rampage. There was a virtual media ban on the topic last week. And that's become the media's trademark pattern when covering the mass murders that stain the country -- they're treated as though they're isolated incidents and as though there is no larger public policy issue that ties them together. The press has pretty much embraced the old NRA mantra: Guns don't kill people. People do.

Indeed, the press now covers shooting sprees the way it covers killer tornadoes: They're one-day stories, they're acts of nature, and all people can do is try to stay out of the way.

...For much of the media, the killing sprees are what they are and nothing more. In fact, as the massacres seem to increase in frequency -- Crandon, Wisconsin; Kirkwood, Missouri; Arvada, Colorado -- the press gives them less attention and sets aside almost no time and space for introspection.
Read the whole thing here.

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