I Write Letters

Dear Boston Herald:

With regard to your item about Top Chef contestants Jen Biesty and Zoi Antonitsas visiting Macy's at Downtown Crossing, I would politely like to inform you that lesbian partners are not "galpals."

"Galpals" signifies two women who are friends, not two women who are lovers and life partners (and who may be friends, too, if they're lucky). Portly Dyke and I are galpals; Portly Dyke and her beloved are partners. Please note the difference for future reference.

You see, when you portray a same-sex relationship as the equivalent of just a really good friendship, in a way you would not do to a mixed-sex relationship, you are unavoidably othering same-sex couples. And this straight grrl would like you to take that othering and shove it where it belongs—in the 1950s. Or the GOP platform. But I repeat myself.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

Warmest regards,

cc. Ann.

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