Fat Bottomed Girls

I just bloody love this Reuters article about findings that a "type of fat that accumulates around the hips and bottom may actually offer some protection against diabetes," headlined, I shit you not, "Scientists find something good about a big bottom." But the best part is not the article itself; it's the picture chosen to accompany the article:

Do you mean to tell me, with the miles of file footage of "headless fatties"—you know, the fat men and women whose bodies are paraded across the screen with every news story about Teh ZOMG Obesity Crisis, with their heads politely cut off to mask their humanity protect their identities—there wasn't one fucking frame that could have been used of an actual fat ass instead of two thin women sitting on public benches carved in the shape of fat asses?

I would weep from the bitter irony, if only I weren't so busy laughing my own fat ass right off.

[H/T to Shaker Batocchio, via email.]

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