I Wonder...

...if there will ever come a day when I see a perfectly good vehicle destroyed for my entertainment, whether in a movie or on one of the increasing number of shows on The Discovery Channel dedicated to destroying things, and not think of the people who died in New Orleans after Katrina because they didn't have a car.

I honestly don't think I will.

And yeah, I know not all the vehicles destroyed are "perfectly good," but I'm talking about the ones that are. It just strikes me as such a failure of our society that we are so reflexively certain that capitalism is the best system, we'd rather blow shit up for fun or let it rust than give it to someone whose life could be immeasurably improved by it, and that we justify this priority with bullshit to ease our own consciences, like "Why should we give something to someone who hasn't earned it?" Oh, I dunno. Maybe because if we do, they'll be able to get to a better job and have a better life and so will their kids and their kids and their kids...and we'll lift generations out of poverty and despair with just a little fucking generosity.


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