
In reaction to Geraldine Ferraro’s remarks on how gosh-darned lucky Barack Obama’s non-whiteness has made him in his quest for the White House, the Obama campaign had a choice of Response A…

When life hands you melanin, you make melanade.

…and boring old Response B.

Denounce! Reject!

I guess Response A was never really in the running. Too bad.

The adult analysis, of course, holds that Obama’s “race” - for those who have decided for themselves just what that is, exactly - is indeed an advantage in the eyes of some, and a detriment to others, and in any event just one lonely factor among many that make up the candidate and the campaign. If Rep. Ferraro will think back a few months, she’ll recall that race wasn’t much of an advantage for Obama even among African American voters until they learned more about him.

But that kind of thinking is even more boring than Response B.

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