A political presence pondering...

Cross posted at AngryBlackBitch.com.

As most of you know, a bitch is politically involved (wink).

After years of teaching Voter Education classes I have learned that many people are unaware of the multitude of ways they can and should participate in the political process. At the same time I’ve noticed that the political dialogue is influenced by those who do participate. Oh, I've heard all about how the powerful silence certain voices but a bitch is loud as hell and rarely silenced by anyone (wink).

The other day I heard a commentator say that women of color have a difficult choice to make between voting for Obama, Clinton or Edwards. That may be true, but a bitch also thinks this campaign has brought to light another task facing all people not currently represented in government.

How can we increase our political presence?

That we, the under or not at all represented, need to be politically present and why we need to be is very clear.

No one can speak to our issues the way that we can.

So we must be on top of all the issues, allergic to spin and mindful of the responsibility of our vote.

We must participate in political life so religiously that no one could legitimately speculate over what matters to us or how to achieve our vote.

We must be politically present so that those who run for office know who they represent and respect the power of our vote, needs and opinion.

We must have the courage to run for local, state and national office. We can run...we can win...and we must add our voice to the chorus.

This election has already been historic...a black man won the Iowa caucus and a woman won the New Hampshire primary...but it has also been a clinic on the complexity of diversity and variety of privilege.

So, we have to be politically present...women, young people, people of color, seniors, LGBT people, the disabled, the poor, workers, immigrants, religious minorities and any and all combinations of all of the above must stand up and step forward into political life.

No one will speak for me as well as I can so you can bet your ass a bitch is standing up...

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