2. Everyone with a modicum of respect for the separation of church and state collectively hurls, composes themselves, and declares Huckabee a dangerous asshole.
3. Huckabee clarifies his position in an interview with BeliefNet by equating homosexuality with bestiality:
QUESTIONER: Is it your goal to bring the Constitution into strict conformity with the Bible? Some people would consider that a kind of dangerous undertaking, particularly given the variety of biblical interpretations.4. I tell Huckabee: "Shut the fuck up, you crazy, ignorant, despicable bigot. You've got a brain of mush and a heart of stone—and if you can't understand the easily discernible difference between a relationship involving consenting adults whose bedroom activities impinge on no one else's rights, and a pathological sexuality in which the notion of consent is wholly absent, then you are too stupid to be president."
HUCKABEE: Well, I don't think that's a radical view to say we're going to affirm marriage. I think the radical view is to say that we're going to change the definition of marriage so that it can mean two men, two women, a man and three women, a man and a child, a man and animal. Again, once we change the definition, the door is open to change it again. I think the radical position is to make a change in what's been historic.
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