The Sound of Music

You remember David Gest, don't you? He was a television producer and collector of Judy Garland memorabilia who rose to fame after scoring the biggest of all Garland collectables: one of her offspring. His gaudy and public marriage to Liza Minnelli was only outdone by his equally gaudy and public divorce from her.

Gest is a perfect candidate for I'm Mad at You Just Because I Know Who You Are if there ever was one. He is as undeserved of fame and our attention as anyone I can think of. And yet, he's been the subject of countless tabloid articles, guested on a slew of TV programs (the Brits seem to love him), and even had his own reality show.

And yet too, here I am posting about him. Maybe that's because he just won't go away.

The latest of Gest's assaults on the world and myself (yes, I am taking this as a personal affront) is a no doubt tasteful little show titled David Gest Is Nuts... My Life As A Musical.

It's a show that promises "special guests such as Coolio, Gloria Gaynor, Candi Stanton and The Weather Girls… encompassing the story of David's life with comedy and music which will be performed by the original artists." I can't wait.

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