I Am a Huge Nerd

You all knew that already, but I just needed to say it once again, to cushion the imminent blow of mind-shattering nerdity, because I'm about to admit to one of my nerdiest of all nerderiffic pastimes: I love to watch videos of Rube Goldberg machines on YouTube.

I once hinted at this obsession by linking to a most excellent RG machine originally found by The Disgruntled Chemist, but I didn't really come all the way out of the closet with my fetish.

Well, now here I am in all my glory. I'm a Rube Goldberg voyeur—I don't need to build my own machines; I just like to watch. So this will pretty much be like my own personal porn:

The Discovery Channel is casting for a reality show called "Super Rubes," in which the contestants will build elaborate Rube Goldberg machines.
Super Rubes is a weekly one-hour show that follows a band of talented creators as they design, build, and set off a massive Chain Reaction Machine in front of a cheering crowd. The point of a Chain Reaction Machine is to do something very simple, like turn on a light bulb, using as many steps as possible. This is an opportunity for engineers to let their creative hair down and have some fun building a giant Chain Reaction Machine. Our team will take on impossible challenges (i.e. "Can you crack an egg with a human hair?") in a race against the clock.
Ooh yeah, baby.

Now I just need someone to build me a machine from a ruler, an empty paper towel roll, six marbles, and an eggbeater that will sensually massage my feet every time I tune the remote to the Discovery Channel.

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