News from Shakes Manor

Last night, while Mr. Shakes was busily geeking out with Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, I watched Steven Soderbergh's Bubble, which is a great little film and notable in that local people were cast in even the lead roles, which prompted my comment, as we were climbing into bed, that I admire those with a talent for acting because I am a terrible actress. Really. Painfully bad. A total plank.

Inevitably, this elicited Mr. Shakes' familiar brag that he was cast in the lead of his primary school production of Sweeney Todd. ("And I was awesoome!") He also told me how either he or his oldest friend, Donald—who's an absolutely lovely guy; I just adore him—always used to get the lead in school plays when they were little, because they were the only ones in their class who could memorize all the lines. Then, just as I was falling asleep:

Mr. Shakes: By the way, did I ever tell you aboot the time Donzo peed himself while singing Johnny Lost His Marbles?

Liss: That is the greatest introduction to any story of all time.

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