I guess Gitmo is just a hotel, then

So if Manuel Noriega will soon be the last "officially recognized" US-held prisoner of war, just who are all those people at Guantanamo Bay? Tourists?

The U.S. military will soon release the last Iraqi held as an enemy prisoner of war, leaving former Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega as the country's only formally recognized POW.

Iraq's former Air Force commander, Hamid Raja Shalah Al-Tikriti, was captured in June 2003 and is the last enemy POW held by coalition forces, a U.S. military spokeswoman said. [...]

The United States has been criticized for its stance that foreign captives it holds at the Guantanamo Bay Naval base in Cuba and elsewhere are not prisoners of war.

Ah, the joys of semantics!


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