No, really.
SAVAGE: The wages of sin are death. You're gonna cut off your willy, you're gonna walk around in women's clothes, you're gonna hook -- you're gonna wind up dead under a freeway, Johnson. It's not gonna be an HBO special about your travails, and how surgery made you a happy woman.But wait, there's more! Savage then goes on to spout:
I never understand these people. Guy is 55 years old, he had three children, he discovers there was a woman within, and he goes -- shots and hormones, three years of hormones, and live like a woman. And then you gotta dress like a woman for two years. And then they go to a psychopathic, sadistic doctor who does the thing for them. No more in Denmark -- I mean, the capital of it is somewhere in Colorado, of course, near Columbine. You wonder why the kids shoot each other there with black raincoats. *
And apparently it costs more to put a willy on than it does to take a willy off. I've always said if a city's gonna pay for this kind of insane self-mutilation, the least they could do is put a willy on ice. I mean, if they're taking a perfectly good willy off a guy, why throw it in the garbage? Put it on ice, save it for the next time one of these psycho women in the city wants to be willied, I mean wants to be a John when she's a Jane. Because it costs like 40 grand to put one on and 20 grand to take one off. I would say you can do a mean price of 30 grand if they could start saving the willies from these psychos. *You got all that? Apparently, the thing that's upsetting Savage the most about trans people (well, MTF, anyway) is that they're a waste of a good cock. Leaving aside his complete ignorance as to how sexual reassignment is done in the first place, this is just goofy. I mean, could Savage feel any more castration anxiety? Is it possible that one man's sexuality can be this threatened by people that have nothing whatsoever to do with him?
But that's a separate story. I'm into cost saving at all costs.Great. How about saving your breath?
* Emphasis by Media Matters, which I round appropriate and used. Thanks to Shakes for the perfect image; one of these days I really need to learn Photoshop.
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