Weblog Awards: last day to vote!

Today is the last day to vote for your favorites in the Weblog Awards!

So far, Kos has about an 1800 vote lead over LGF in the Best Blog category. Kos wasn't my pick (I, personally, like Post Secret best out of all of them listed) but it's definitely my pick over LGF (ugh).

Don't forget Konagod in the Best New Blog category! Pam, C&L, Michael Bérubé, Pharyngula, Feministe, and Blue Gal are leading in their categories--so far, everyone can still use votes!

Deborah's blog, Property of a Lady, is tied for second and just 103 votes off the lead in her category!

Vote, vote!

(All numbers as of 11:18 am PST; sorry if I missed anyone--feel free to remind me in comments :-))

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