Todd Shriber, the communications director for U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.), went to in September looking to hire a hacker or two for a fairly straightforward task: he wanted someone to break into Texas Christian University’s computer system and change his grade point average.Via Josh Marshall:
…The two “hackers” who decided to avoid the criminal work and string Shriber along had entirely too much fun with the poor schmuck. At one point, they asked Shriber to recognize exactly what he was requesting, and take certain steps to ensure their safety:“First, let’s be clear. You are soliciting me to break the law and hack into a computer across state lines. That is a federal offense and multiple felonies. Obviously I can’t trust anyone and everyone that mails such a request, you might be an FBI agent, right? So, I need three things to make this happen: 1. A picture of a squirrel or pigeon on your campus. One close-up, one with background that shows buildings, a sign, or something to indicate you are standing on the campus. 2. The information I mentioned so I can find the records once I get into the database. 3. Some idea of what I get for all my trouble.’”You wouldn’t believe the picture Shriber sent…
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