Just Don't Say Macaca

The "swearing in on the Quran" hysteria continues, and Virgil Goode is leading the way. (Bolds mine)
Goode wrote that to "preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States," an immigration overhaul was necessary to avoid "many more Muslims elected to office demanding the use of the Quran."
Yes, Jebus forbid that any Muslims be elected to office and "demand" use of the Quran. After all, strict adherence to one religion is one of the principles that this country was founded upon!

Oh, wait...
Defending his statements Thursday, Goode, a Republican, told Fox News he wants to limit legal immigration.

He also said he wants to do away with "diversity visas," which he said allowed people into America "not from European countries" and "some terrorist states."
"Not from European countries?" Is it just me, or does that sound like "visas for white people only?"

I'm really loving this new racism on the Right. Pulling an Allen and calling someone "macaca" will get you in trouble. But cloak your racism with boo scary talk of "terrorists," and suddenly, you're patriotic and tough on National Security.

Keith Ellison, meanwhile, refuses to sink to their level:
Minnesota Rep.-elect Keith Ellison told CNN that he is not angry about a letter Virginia Rep. Virgil Goode wrote that said Ellison should not be allowed to place his hand on the Quran during his unofficial swearing in ceremony.

"I think the diversity of our country is a great strength," Ellison told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "It's a good thing that we have people from all faiths and all cultures to come here."


Ellison responded to Goode's sentiments by saying that he would like to meet with Goode to talk about Islam and find some "common ground."

"We all support one Constitution, one Constitution that upholds our right to equal protection, one Constitution that guarantees us due process under the law, one Constitution which says there is no religious test for elective office in America," Ellison said.
Damn that Constitution! It just wants to let anyone into office, and use whatever goddamned book they like! Why does the Constitution hate America?
Meanwhile, Goode said at a news conference at the Franklin County Courthouse in Rocky Mount, Virginia, that he feels he said nothing inappropriate.

"I will not be putting my hand on the Quran," Goode said.

Goode, who represents Virginia's 5th Congressional District, said he is receiving more positive comments from constituents than negative.

"One lady told me she thinks I'm doing the right thing on this," he told Fox News. "I wish more people would take a stand and stand up for the principles on which this country was founded."
I do not think that means what you think it means.

Shakes has much more in her latest article at Comment is Free, A Big Tent for Bigots. Take a look!

Update: Don't hold your breath.

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