Question of the Day

So often, we have the opportunity to discuss various examples of hypocrisy, whether it's Bush claiming to be a Christian but supporting torture, or anti-gay crusaders being outed, or Xenophobia Warrior Princess (aka Michelle Malkin) going on about how lefties are rude and unhinged but rightwingers aren't, etc. etc. etc.

On what issue does the hypocrisy drive you the most batshit insane?

For me, it's got to be the people who want to legislate sexual and reproductive morality, but turn out to be total pervs. That drives me bonkers.

And the hypocrisy that most disappoints me is any politician, of either party, who lives high on the hog while claiming to care about poverty. I would happily poke in the eye every last pigass greedyguts in Congress who's voted to give him/herself a raise while the federal minimum wage stagnates.

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