And even though we missed it yesterday for a damn good reason, I’m seriously lamenting have missed Margaret Spellings getting trounced.
What’s more embarrassing than being Secretary of Education and having your ass handed to you on Celebrity Jeopardy? Being Secretary of Education and having your ass handed to you on Celebrity Jeopardy by Lenny from “Laverne & Shirley.”Heh. Hot Air’s got some video of the slaughter. And because it’s No Celebrity Left Behind on Celebrity Jeopardy, she still got $25,000 for whatever her chosen charity was. Probably some faith-based literacy initiative. Hooked on Philippians.
She was more than twenty thousand dollars behind at the start of Final Jeopardy.
(Btw, Michael McKean has always struck me as a very intelligent fellow. I’m not surprised at all that he won.)
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