
Green it up, bitchez:

ABC News' Teddy Davis Reports: Former Vice President Gore told ABC Radio's David Blaustein today that he has not yet heard an "adequate" environmental platform from any potential presidential candidate. He added, however, that he thinks that will change.

"I haven't heard any of them make definitive and clear statements of a platform on this that I think is yet adequate," said Gore. "But I'm confident that many of them will."

…When Blaustein asked Gore if he would obey his own advice to "rise above yourself and rise against history" by making another White House run, Gore said, "I'll reflect on what you say" and promised to keep his "eyes open all along the way" while adding that he does "not have plans to be a candidate again" and that he is "involved in a different kind of campaign to change people's minds."
So, here’s my suggestion*: Edwards runs, and makes, along with poverty, the environment a key issue of his campaign. Poverty. Environment. Poverty. Environment. And Gore doesn’t run, but says he’d be interested in being the veep for any candidate who makes the environment a centerpiece of his/her campaign, because the veep slot would allow him to be an energy guru in a way the presidency wouldn’t. Then Edwards says he’d love to have Gore as his #2. Edwards/Gore 2008.

This plan may involve Hillary being abducted by aliens. I’m still working that bit out.


* From the Home Office in Fantasyland.

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