I'm gonna be rich!

Silly me. I always thought that Nigeria was rife with poverty. After all, 91% of the population lives on less than $2 USD per day. But wait: that data was from 1997, and perhaps things have changed. Nigeria now seems to be positively awash with cash if only you know where to look. Why, people there are trying to give the filthy lucre away, if the email I got today is any indication:
The President in conjunction with the Senate president and EFCC chairman has ordered the UNION BANK OF NIGERIA to settle all payment approved by the States House and office of the presidency from the ($800Billion US Dollars) which was recovered from the corrupt governors to settle all the contractors and inheritance payment whose debts has been outstanding for a long time now, the Panel also wish to inform you that you and twenty other contractors have been Approved to receive all your payment within the next 24hrs through this bank UNION BANK OF NIGERIA.

Thank God for corrupt governors! Their downfall is my windfall, if I can believe this. And why wouldn't I believe it? After all, my correspondent and new best friend looks totally trustworthy:

The Reverend J. Chrsit Ovil, Secretary General of the Federation. A man of the cloth and a high government official! Why, that just exudes double-plus trustworthiness. Here are the directives I received from the good rev:

To this regards you are advised to contact (Barrister Robert Mark), he is the only person who the federal government of Nigeria gave power to released all the over due payment. Call him immediately you received this mail message on his direct Tel no: 234-80-66078907 and confirmed to him your total fund and this new payment code number (CIP/XX32/UBG/2006) given to you for this payment. Send your account information and your telephone and fax number to him or mail him on this Email: revosuthomas@yahoo.com for more information.

Whoopsie. Probably shouldn't have posted that phone number on the web. Or that email address. Or that code number. But what the hey. There's lots of cash to go around. I'm not greedy.

Note: Hey, do you think that Rev. Ovil misspelled his middle name? Perhaps it's "Christ," not "Chrsit." Wow, J. Christ! That seems even more trustworthy! Unless, of course, the rev simply can't spell his own name.


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