TGIF- the F stands for Funny!

Christopher Monks shows us that signing statements aren't just for horrifically corrupt falsely elected presidents anymore:
While I will try my best to follow the guidelines of this agreement no matter how Dr. Phil–ish they may sound, you should be made aware that I still don't understand why "acting interested" is considered a necessary component of "being interested." Just because I sometimes don't look up from my computer when you're talking to me doesn't mean I'm not interested in whatever it is you're saying. I am. I am a lot.
Not to be outdone, Bush Grants Self Permission To Grant More Power To Self, and The Onion is there!
"As president, I strongly believe that my first duty as president is to support and serve the president," Bush said during a televised address from the East Room of the White House shortly after signing his executive order. "I promise the American people that I will not abuse this new power, unless it becomes necessary to grant myself the power to do so at a later time."
Oh, and here's a a little something for Paul.

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