Schlock and Awe

If these terror profiteers were clever, they'd price their "2001-2006 World Trade Center Commemorative," complete with "Certificate of Authenticity verifying its 24 KT gold and .999 pure Ground Zero recovery silver content" for $9.11. Then no one could resist this fabulous offer.

Says Matt, who gets the hat tip: "[T]hese coins are sure to please the dim-witted jingoist in your household. A whopping $5 of every $30 order will be donated to 9/11 charities. That's 17%, for those of you counting at home. The National Collector's Mint would have increased that percentage, but a shyster's gotta live, you know?"

Sure. But what does he do to sleep at night?

(Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)

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