Question of the Day

Shakes has turned over the reins to me this evening...

Is there any town in particular that holds especially romantic memories for you, for one reason or another?

For me, it's London, because that's where Liss and I met for the first time and where I got my finacee visa. King's Cross station reminds me of the first time I saw Melissa; Norfolk Square is where we had our first kiss; Regents Park is where is we laid in the grass together; the Volunteer Arms is where we had our first drink together; strolling down Oxford Street, going to the Tate Modern, riding the tube, our shitty room at a place called the Shakespeare Hotel, no less... As many times as I visited London, and it's been many, and as much as I love it for its vibrancy and culture and history, I'll always remember the times I spent there with Melissa most vividly.

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