Open Lamont/Lieberman Thread



Mr. Lieberman vowed to continue his fight to remain Connecticut’s junior senator by running as an independent in November.

“As I see it in this campaign, we just finished the finished the first half and the Lamont team is ahead,’’ he said. “But in the second half, our team — Team Connecticut — is going to surge forward to victory in November.”

He said the he could not let the results stand, “for the sake for our state, my party, and our country.’’ And he added: “But I am not discouraged. I am disappointed not just because I lost but because of all the old politicsof polarization won today.”

Later in the evening Mr. Lamont stood before his supporters and said: “Families still dream of a land of opportunity. With your vote this evening, we’re going to start to make your dreams come true.’’
"My party?" Uh, what party is that exactly?

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