Shakespeare’s Sister

I’m often asked from where the name of this blog came, which is understandable, considering it doesn't really make any sense. It's from a Smiths’ song of the same name; not one of their most well-known tracks, and the words "Shakespeare's Sister" never appear anywhere in the lyrics. Morrissey probably stole it from Virginia Woolf, who used it in an essay once upon a time.

I just found some video of The Smiths performing the song live in Madrid. I’m not sure when this performance was, although Morrissey notes it’s their new single, and “Shakespeare’s Sister” reached #26 on the British charts in March 1985, so it was probably sometime around then.

I thought that if you had an acoustic guitar, it meant that you were a protest singer. I can smile about it now, but at the time it was terrible…

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