
Who’da thunk it? Spewing anti-Semitic slurs might affect the career of someone who depends on public goodwill for his success.

His most immediate issue is with Walt Disney Co., which is distributing "Apocalypto" and which also, through its ABC television network, has a development deal with his company to make a miniseries about the Holocaust.

…[T]he Holocaust project, to be adapted from a little-known 1998 memoir called "Flory: Survival in the Valley of Death," which recounts the experiences of a young Dutch Jew during World War II, is in the early stages. An ABC spokeswoman Sunday would confirm only that the project was in development and that executives would wait to see a finished script before deciding whether to go into production on the proposed miniseries. Gibson and his spokesman, Alan Nierob, have said little about the project, which is backed by Gibson's Con Artists Productions, the TV division of his Icon Productions.
Con Artist indeed.

Disney’s really gone down the shitter if they’re willing to move ahead with a Holocaust miniseries made by an anti-Semite, especially when they refused to distribute Fahrenheit 9/11 and Dogma for being too controversial.

(Hat tip Holly.)

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