What's the matter? WHAT'S THE MATTER?

I will tell you "what's the matter!" I go out of my way for you! I do everything to try and make you happy. I feed you, I clean you, I dress you, and what thanks do I get?

No, seriously... since the emails are already starting to come in... yes, I have seen the book Better Living Through Bad Movies. Rest assured, I'm planning on buying one to read on the plane next month when I wing my way to New York City... and after next payday. Where does the money go? But thank you for thinking of me. I'll start showing you a little more appreciation around here, MISTER MAN!!

And by the way... since this book is brought to you by the wonderful people that bring you World 'O Crap, you might want to pick up a copy for yourself, and support a progressive blogger.

(By the way, is there anyone out there that knows anything about getting published? Because I've got a couple of great ideas for movie books... which I will write in my copious amounts of spare time. *snort*

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